Oct 10, 2010

Sore Eyes Natural Treatment

I read a lot about sore eyes now! My goodness! I had that before it is so annoying and embarassing but nothing to do it is normal. In twitter trending topics are more about sore eyes. So , I try to find what are the treatment for sore eyes.
If you will go to the doctor of course the doctor will give you proper medicine but I found out some natural ways to cure sore eyes. Read below:

1.)You can try applying raw grated apples on the eyes for sore eyes natural treatment. One of the most easiest and effective ways of sore eyes treatment is applying a slice of cucumber over the eyes for 30 minutes. Rose water is also helpful in sore eyes treatment. Just soak cotton balls in rose water and place it on your eye as a treatment for sore eye.

2.) Another method includes adding a bit of salt to boiled water and dipping cotton balls in it. Then place the salted cotton balls over the sore eye for 5 minutes and get immediate relief. Another effective way of sore eye natural treatment includes use of coriander. All you need to do is crush coriander leaves in boiled water that is enough to wash your eyes 10 times in one go. When you get a light green color in water, strain the water and use it to wash your eyes. You should wash your eyes with this water as many times as you can in a day. Wash the eyes at least 10 times in one cycle.

3.) You can reduce the itchiness and redness in your eye by adding some fresh cow milk to a clean bowl. Then soak cotton balls in the milk and sprinkle some potash alum powder over the cotton balls. Then place the cotton balls over your eyes for a few minutes. This will help reduce the redness and itchy eyes.

4.)You can even use Chamomile tea or green tea bags and soak them in warm water. Then use the liquid to wash your eyes and the moist teabag can be placed over your eyes for reducing the itchiness and redness. Aloe Vera is very effective in sore eyes treatment. You can added some Aloe Vera extract to cool water and soak a piece of cotton cloth in the mixture. Then place this cloth over your eyes and gently clean your eyes with it.

5.)You can even try placing peeled slice of potato over the eyelids for about a quarter of an hour. Then wash your eyes and repeat if necessarily. You can even place cold or hot compress over your eyes as it is a very effective sore eyes treatment. But make sure the hot compress is not too hot that may cause eye damage.
Very useful tips folks. Try it!


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