Jun 29, 2010

.com Immediate

As I am always excited to have new site. I immediately go to my godaddy account and get a new domain for this new blog. It was easy registration and I let my buddy Tsang | Shy to do the configuration and my mami Lulu do judge the layout or template that I got from searching online. Complete package of friends who help all the way! Thanks dearest...

Now , I am trying to stick on this layout as I really love. The reason why I enrolled for new domain just because of the layout looks. I love my own my native land. Lol!

Anyway, I am checking all the way to my 8 sites hahaha... Hooray! What an addict fella.

Jun 28, 2010

Blogger Quotes Funny But It's True

10 Blogger Quotes

1. Don’t judge a blog by its layout.

2. Don’t judge a blogger by his blog.

3. Don’t judge a blog because it’s not a book.

4. A blog by any other name is still a blog.

5. Don’t drink and blog.

6. Why did the chicken cross the road? So that bloggers can blog about it.

7. A blog without advertisements is still a blog.

8. A pen is mightier than the sword but a blog is mightier than the pen.

9. It is easier to quit smoking than to quit blogging.

10. All work and no blog makes a blogger a dull worker.

Why Fit and Right?

Folks, I am just laughing at myself today. I have many tasks to do but then when I tried to check the new feature of blogger, it drives me to try the layouting and checking what's new and what came to my mind is to try new blog again! Wwwwhatta addicted! CERTIFIED...

Fit and Right because this will draw the journey of fitting anything that comes along my way. Discovery of what might right as it seems to be right!

Anyway, I am looking forward for another marathon attention with this new place.

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